Tuesday, March 27, 2018

4 Easy ways to seduce a lesbian

 How do you seduce a lesbian?

One of the most thrilling experiences you will ever have will be your first lesbian conquest: the first night you go out and bag your first girl. Indeed, no matter how long you’ve been a lesbian, the thrill of seducing a beautiful woman never really goes away. Still, the question remains: how the hell do you seduce a lesbian?

Lesbian dating advice
Lesbians tongue kissing

Looking for like-minded lesbians for girl on girl fun - Click Here

Surprisingly, it’s not as hard as you might think. No, not because lesbians are all sluts (ha-ha). It’s because the art of seduction boils down to a few very simple things: confidence, humor, proximity… and maybe even a little luck. Once you nail these things, there’s almost no way you won’t get nailed (or at least close to it).

Whoever came up with the saying “Beauty is only skin deep” knew what they were talking about. Beauty can’t be defined by plastic singers or anorexic actresses. In other words, beauty isn’t something you can buy. However, it is something that you can exude.

Whether you were born with flabby arms or flat hair is irrelevant. Your irresistible charm and confidence is what makes you beautiful to others – and to yourself. If you think of yourself as a woman who deserves to be desired, you will become desirable.

lesbian dating advice
Asian lesbian girls kissing

Looking for like-minded lesbians for girl on girl fun - Click Here

So, how do you become that desirable woman that other women want and men wish they could have? First, shed your insecurities because you, my dear, are fabulous. And as long as you can remember these fairly simple tips, soon you’ll be fighting off the ladies with a stick!

What Every Lesbian Woman Wants

Sex appeal is great, but there are other things women are looking for when they head out on a Saturday night. Familiarize yourself with the following list of things women want to make yourself even more appealing to the girl of your dreams. After all, the more you offer, the more she’ll want you.

They want to feel attractive. One of the simplest things women want is to be wanted. Making a girl feel attractive, sexy, and important will go a long way in the art of seduction.

They want to have fun. No one wants to hang out with someone who makes them sad or depressed! Keep things light and help them forget the stresses they’ve experienced that day, not relive them.

They want to feel a connection. With technology more and more prevalent, it’s easy to feel alone in the world. Some women are dying to form a personal connection, and you’re the perfect girl to do it with.

They want to be inspired. It’s easy to feel trapped in one’s day to day existence. By showing a girl that there are possibilities beyond her immediate here and now (in terms of things to see or places to visit), you’ll be an intriguing force she won’t be able to resist.

lesbian dating advice
Lesbians kissing in public

Looking for like-minded lesbians for girl on girl fun - Click Here

If you can remember these 4 simple tips, making that girl fall in love with you will be a whole lot easier. Obviously there are many other ways to seduce a woman, but that entails much more detail that I will be sure to include in a future blog post. Did you enjoy this post? Please let me know in the comment sections below. If you didn’t like this post, let me know of that as well. Constructive criticism is always encouraged.

If you would like extra guidance... I HIGHLY recommend that you grab yourself a copy of The Lesbian Lifestyle Book. It is the only guide you will ever need as a lesbian or bisexual woman.

            Lesbians making out            Lesbians having sex        

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